July 2024: The workshop “Synergies between LHC and EIC for quarkonium physics” that I co-organized was held on July 8-12, 2024, at ECT*, Trento, Italy. The slides of the talks can be found on the Indico page. The workshop is part of the Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC Activity “Synergies between the EIC and the LHC”.
May 2024: My institute, the Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity, is featured in the Spring issue of the magazine Dimensies (in Dutch) of Nikhef.
December 2023: On December 21, my PhD student Chalis Setyadi successfully defended his thesis entitled: "Studies of generalized transverse momentum dependent gluon distributions in diffractive processes".
December 2023: The second workshop of our Joint ECFA-NuPECC-ApPEC Activity “Synergies between the EIC and the LHC” was held on December 14 & 15, 2023, at DESY, Hamburg. It was a very successful meeting with 76 registered participants. The slides of the talks can be found on the Indico page.
April 2023: The Topical Lectures of the OSAF research school, took place in Groningen on April 12-14, 2023, and were attended by 40 PhD students. Besides organizing the event, I also gave a lecture on "Energy scales in the Standard Model and beyond". Slides of this and other lectures can be found on the Indico page.
January 2023: Luca Maxia joined my group as a postdoc. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Cagliari U.
October 2022: On October 25 Eric Pap successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled: "On the Geometry of Adiabatic Quantum Mechanics". Eric was supervised by Holger Waalkens (BI) and myself.
October 2022: Appointment as Scientific Director of the Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity for a second term.
September 2022: Gave a plenary talk on "Partonic Structure of Hadrons" at the largest nuclear physics conference in the world: INPC 2022, held in Cape Town, South Africa.
June 2022: Kick-off meeting for our Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC Activity on “Synergies between the Electron-Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider Experiments” at CERN.
May 2022: Gave the opening talk at Transversity 2022 and contributed to the celebration in honor of Piet Mulders on the occasion of his retirement.
January 2022: Publication of the paper "A Unified View on Geometric Phases and Exceptional Points in Adiabatic Quantum Mechanics", by PhD student Eric J. Pap together with his supervisors (Holger Waalkens and me), in the mathematics journal Sigma.
September 2021: New roles as Chair of the NWO network "Theoretical High-Energy Physics" and as Member of the NWO Advisory committee Particle and Astroparticle Physics (PAPP).
May 2021: On May 7 Ruud Peeters defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled: "Aspects of fine-tuning in theories with extended scalar sectors". Ruud is my 8th PhD student to finish successfully.
March 2021: New roles as QCD Working Group convener of CERN's "Physics Beyond Colliders" (PBC) Study Group and as Chair of VSI base-unit "High Energy Frontier".
January 2021: Jelle Bor joined my group as a Ph.D. student to work on Quarkonium production at EIC and LHC. He will be co-supervised by Jean-Philippe Lansberg (Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay) and will spend the second half of the 4 years in Paris.
October 2020: My term as scientific director of the VSI is over. Now I continue as Chair of the Board of the institute.
September 2020: Gianni van Marion joined my group as a Ph.D. student to work on the Emergence of the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe. He will be co-supervised by math colleague Holger Waalkens.
September 2017: Appointment as Scientific Director of the Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity
July 2017: I was elected as European Representative in the Steering Committee of the Electron-Ion Collider Users Group (EICUG)
October 2016: Organization of the Symposium on advances in semi-classical methods in mathematics and physics in Groningen, with among others Carl Bender, Michael Berry and Gerard 't Hooft as speakers
September 2016: Appointment as Deputy Programme Director (Adjunct Opleidingsdirecteur) of the BSc Physics & Applied Physics Programmes at the University of Groningen
May/June 2016: Organization [Co-chair] of the QCD Evolution 2016 workshop in Amsterdam
March 2016: Publication in Physical Review Letters about single spin asymmetries at high gluon densities, entitled "Single spin asymmetries from a single Wilson loop", written together with Miguel Echevarria, Piet Mulders and Jian Zhou. See also the news item on the VSI webpage
October 2015: My Ph.D. student Wouter Dekens successfully defended his thesis entitled: "Discrete symmetry breaking beyond the Standard Model"
July 2015: Rubicon grant awarded to my Ph.D. student Wouter Dekens! The grant is for a two-year postdoc position at Los Alamos National Laboratory to work on the project "A window on the universal matter-antimatter asymmetry"
April 2015: Publication in Physical Review D about Higgs plus jet production at the LHC, entitled "Impact of gluon polarization on Higgs boson plus jet production at the LHC", written together with Cristian Pisano
December 2014: Publication in Nuclear Physics B about left-right symmetric models, entitled "Viability of minimal left–right models with discrete symmetries", written together with my Ph.D. student Wouter Dekens
November 2014: Our 2.1 million euro FOM program proposal "Higgs as a probe and portal" has been awarded, ranked first! This funding allows me to hire a Ph.D. student on that topic. See the FOM press release, more details in Dutch, and a brief youtube video about the program
October 2014: Started supervision (as first promotor) of Tom van Daal, Ph.D. student in the group of Piet Mulders in Amsterdam. Tom will study the energy scale dependence of quark and gluon spin and transverse momentum effects
July 2014: Publication in Nuclear Physics B about Higgs boson production, entitled "TMD evolution and the Higgs transverse momentum distribution", written together with Wilco J. den Dunnen
January 2014: I moved to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, more specifically to the Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity, formerly known as the Centre for Theoretical Physics
August 2013: Publication in Physical Review Letters of my paper "Determining the Higgs spin and parity in the diphoton channel", that was written together with Wilco J. den Dunnen, Cristian Pisano and Marc Schlegel
February 2013: My Ph.D. student Wilco den Dunnen (VU University Amsterdam) successfully defended his thesis entitled: "Polarization effects in proton-proton collisions within the Standard Model and beyond"
October 2012: My former Ph.D. advisor Piet Mulders has obtained an ERC Advanced Grant, for work related to "our" function
July 2012: CERN discovery of what looks like the Higgs boson, first reactions at KVI
January 2012: Publication in Physical Review Letters of my paper "Linearly polarized gluons and the Higgs transverse momentum distribution", that was written together with Wilco J. den Dunnen, Cristian Pisano, Marc Schlegel and Werner Vogelsang. See also the news item on the webpage of the Dutch funding agency FOM
August 2011: Publication of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) Science case report (Editors: D. Boer, M. Diehl, R. Milner, R. Venugopalan, W. Vogelsang)
March 2011: Publication in Physical Review Letters of my paper "Direct probes of linearly polarized gluons inside unpolarized hadrons", that was written together with Stan Brodsky, Piet Mulders and Cristian Pisano
February 2011: Appointment as "Adjunct Hoogleraar" (Associate Professor)
November 2010: Publication in Physical Review Letters of my paper "Test of the universality of naive-time-reversal-odd fragmentation functions", that was written together with Zhong-Bo Kang, Werner Vogelsang and Feng Yuan
August 2010: Publication in Physical Review Letters of my paper "Bounding W-W' mixing with spin asymmetries at RHIC", that was written together with my Ph.D. student Wilco J. den Dunnen (VU University Amsterdam)
June 2010: My Ph.D. student Jorn Boomsma (VU University Amsterdam) successfully defended his thesis entitled: "Effects of instanton interactions on the phases of quark matter"